08/01/2017 Silver Jubilee Conference of NAPE C West Bengal Circle was held at Murshidabad. The conference was inaugurated by Sri D.KishanRao, GS NAPE.SG FNPO ShriD.Theagarajan addressedthe conference. As chiefguest.S/ShriP.U.MuralidharanGSNUGDS,B.ShivakumarASG[FNPO],&C/S[KARNATAKACIRCLE] Sivaji Vasireddy O/R G[CHQ] C/S NAPE C, AP Circle and FNPO affiliated unions Circle Secretaries addressed the conference. Shri Rajat S Das C/S NAPE C, WB Circle placed Biennial report. More details of the conference will be published PO in Postal Sentinel.
Our CHQ president and CS of WB circle Sri. Rajath S Das had retired from service on 31-12-2016. Our circle union wishes him happy and peaceful retirement life.
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